Evolving legislation and enforcement: How business can navigate the global legislative landscape

10:05 - 10:50
From Brussels to Melbourne to DC to Berlin to every corner of the globe. Legislation is incoming and has the potential to disrupt business as usual. 
It is no longer voluntary. Being reactive is no longer enough. The onus is now on business to proactively tackle risk within their supply chains and operations. In order to remain compliant, global businesses must now navigate a global web of legislation. But also ensure that they maintain a robust and up to date human rights policy that they implement throughout the business. 
This session will dive into the progressing global terrain, spotlighting imminent legislation, such as the EU's draft Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, Germany’s Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, and France’s established Duty of Vigilance. We will explore these emerging laws, latest policy changes, enforcement mechanisms, and insights for businesses to remain at the ahead of the legislative curve. 

Wayne Jordash

Global Rights Compliance

Managing Partner

Kathrin Raabe


Senior Manager Corporate Responsibility

Tom Smith


Director, Global Government Affairs and Business Diplomacy

Get in touch

For any questions on the conference, please contact:

Natasha Bodnar
Project Director
[email protected]

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Registration for the Responsible Sourcing and Ethical Trade forum is currently open. To sign up, you can do so online here, or get in touch directly for details of group discounts. 


For more information and to inquire, please contact:

Gabriela Cuison
Business Development Manager

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