Climate action and human rights: What do we really mean by a ‘just transition’ and how can business effectively integrate human rights into climate action plans?

16:20 - 17:10
With the acceleration of climate change comes profound implications for the environment and for human rights. The World Bank forecasts that by 2050, a staggering 216 million individuals will be internally displaced due to climate factors, escalating their vulnerability to human trafficking and modern slavery. In this session we look to: 
  • Define a 'Just Transition': Decode its significance in the climate-human rights nexus
  • Look at best practices for embedding human rights within climate strategy
  • Discuss how to engage all stakeholders to ensure meaningful representation in mitigation and adaptation strategies 
  • Give real-world examples of businesses championing a balanced approach to climate action and human rights

Sam Ludlow Taylor

John Lewis Partnership

Partner & Senior Manager, Human Rights Programmes

Peter McAllister

Ethical Trading Initiative

Executive Director

Andrea Saldarriaga


Director Sustainability & ESG

Ruth Thomas


Get in touch

For any questions on the conference, please contact:

Natasha Bodnar
Project Director
[email protected]

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Registration for the Responsible Sourcing and Ethical Trade forum is currently open. To sign up, you can do so online here, or get in touch directly for details of group discounts. 


For more information and to inquire, please contact:

Gabriela Cuison
Business Development Manager

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