Innovation Forum Podcast

Innovation Forum hosts a weekly podcast along with regular interviews with business leaders in sustainability. Each week, we summarise the latest sustainability news and announcements, and get the views of leading experts on business critical issues. Widely regarded as one of the best sustainability podcasts around, stay tuned for regular insights, debate and analysis.

Sustainable plastics and packaging in the US: trends, innovations, regulations

This week: Innovation Forum's Ian Welsh talks with packaging and waste expert John Kotlarczyk about the evolving landscape of packaging and waste management, emphasising a shift towards sustainability and circular economy principles. They highlight key trends, such as the adoption of fibre-based alternatives, to plastics and regulatory changes impacting recyclability.  Plus: PepsiCo and Yara pa...

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Business action on scope 3 emissions: a US perspective

During Innovation Forum's recent climate action on scope 3 emissions conference in Washington DC,...

How is climate change impacting farmers now?

Innovation Forum's Bea Stevenson has spoken to several farmers from across geographies and commod...

Regenerative agriculture, better decision-making, and what the EUDR means for coffee

This week: another chance to hear our three most popular podcast interviews of 2023. Innovation F...

Weekly briefing: sustainable business forecast for 2024

In the final briefing of the year, Innovation Forum's Ian Welsh and Bea Stevenson take a look ahe...

Highlights from the Sustainable Commodities and Landscapes Forum 2023

This year’s sustainable commodities and landscapes forum in Amsterdam brought together 250+ deleg...

Why measuring land, carbon and biodiversity impact matters

This week: Francis Gassert, strategy and impact lead at Vizzuality, talks with Innovation Forum's...

Landscape action: how to scale corporate nature, climate and social impacts

Rodrigue Kreilmann, corporate sustainability governance manager at Mars, and Veronique Bovee, dep...

COPwatch: will we be left enthused or deflated?

Speaking live from COP28 in Dubai, Owen Bethell, environmental impact lead, global public affairs...

Weekly briefing: COP28 progress and prospects for EUDR FAQ

In this week's briefing, Innovation Forum's Ian Welsh and Bea Stevenson talk about the latest at ...

The pathway to nature-positive business: definitions, measurements and targets

On 30th November, Innovation Forum hosted a webinar on nature-positive business approaches in par...

The pathway to nature-positive business: definitions, measurements and targets

On 30th November, Innovation Forum hosted a webinar on nature-positive business approaches in par...

Reality check: the future of regenerative agriculture

This week: Dominik Klauser, director of regenerative agriculture at SAI Platform, talks with Inno...

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Apparel and textiles
Plastics and packaging
Food and agriculture
Scope 3 and climate
Responsible sourcing and ethical trade
Landscapes and commodity sourcing