Innovation Forum Podcast

Innovation Forum hosts a weekly podcast along with regular interviews with business leaders in sustainability. Each week, we summarise the latest sustainability news and announcements, and get the views of leading experts on business critical issues. Widely regarded as one of the best sustainability podcasts around, stay tuned for regular insights, debate and analysis.

Sustainable plastics and packaging in the US: trends, innovations, regulations

This week: Innovation Forum's Ian Welsh talks with packaging and waste expert John Kotlarczyk about the evolving landscape of packaging and waste management, emphasising a shift towards sustainability and circular economy principles. They highlight key trends, such as the adoption of fibre-based alternatives, to plastics and regulatory changes impacting recyclability.  Plus: PepsiCo and Yara pa...

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Weekly briefing: The future of soil health and climate progress update from Nestlé

Innovation Forum's Ian Welsh talks about free-to-join webinars coming up, including a discussion ...

Beyond the bare minimum: delivering long-term responsible recruitment

This week: Neill Wilkins, head of the migrant workers programme at the Institute for Human Rights...

How advanced recycling can tackle plastic waste

Mura Technology's head of sustainability Geoff Brighty talks with Innovation Forum's Bea Stevenso...

Weekly briefing – From Abu Dhabi to Nairobi: world leaders convene to deliver sustainable development

This week, Innovation Forum's Ian Welsh and Bea Stevenson talk about the upcoming World Trade Org...

Nestlé Global Virtual Event: A 2023 Climate Progress Update

Nestlé has pledged to reduce absolute emissions by 20% by 2025, and by 50% by 2030. This live vir...

How to ensure factory worker safety

Muhammad Affan, factory manager at industrial safety products manufacturer Midas Safety in Pakist...

Corporate giants' massive role in climate transition

This week: Pilar Cruz, chief sustainability officer at international food business Cargill, talks...

Beneath the surface: exploring best practices for soil regeneration and carbon farming

Register for the webinar here. At the root of some of the most urgent challenges facing agricultu...

Carbon frontier: carbon market insights for today's businesses

Jonathan Schuldenfrei, managing director of the risk and financial advisory practice at Deloitte,...

Monday briefing: Collaboration to tackle air pollution and accelerate sustainable development

This week, Innovation Forum's Ian Welsh and Bea Stevenson talk about the severity of current glob...

Greenhushing: where’s the sweet spot for corporate climate transparency?

This week: René Groot Bruinderink, head of climate solutions for the UK and Netherlands at South ...

Switching gears to building circular economy within the apparel sector

Footprinting and circularity expert at Quantis Matthew Hawthorne, and the company's fashion and g...

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Apparel and textiles
Plastics and packaging
Food and agriculture
Scope 3 and climate
Responsible sourcing and ethical trade
Landscapes and commodity sourcing