Innovation Forum Podcast

Innovation Forum hosts a weekly podcast along with regular interviews with business leaders in sustainability. Each week, we summarise the latest sustainability news and announcements, and get the views of leading experts on business critical issues. Widely regarded as one of the best sustainability podcasts around, stay tuned for regular insights, debate and analysis.

How nature-based solutions can deliver corporate sustainability commitments

Nature-based solutions (NBS) play a pivotal role in delivering tangible impact and addressing corporate sustainability commitments. To achieve progress around nature p...

17 October 2024 - 13:00

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How US family-owned forests can unlock carbon solutions

This week: Nathan Truitt, executive vice president for climate and funding at the American Forest Foundation, talks with Ian Welsh to discuss the crucial role of family-owned forests in North America's carbon sequestration efforts. They explore how effective forest management can significantly increase carbon absorption, the complexities faced by small landowners, and the potential of voluntary...

12 Sep 24

ofi’s sustainability strategy launch: making ‘Choices for Change’ in the global food system

Increasing regulatory requirements are tasking food and beverage companies with more robust corpo...

How can technology and data help us build more sustainable agricultural supply chains? (webinar audio recording)

Cross-commodity and cross-supplier sustainability data and insights are enabling better traceabil...

How business can benefit from engaging in landscape approaches

This week: Patrick Mallet, director for innovations at ISEAL Alliance, and Rachel Wall, project m...

Have we become too carbon-focused?

Raviv Turner, founding member of the Nature Tech Collective and member of the nature data working...

How can technology and data help us build more sustainable agricultural supply chains? (webinar recording)

Cross-commodity and cross-supplier sustainability data and insights are enabling better traceabil...

Ensuring quality food and business: how to navigate incoming legislation

Lisa Spicka de Bevacqua, global director of sustainability consulting at auditor and certifiers N...

Monday briefing – Sustainable food for thought: next steps towards regenerative transition

This week: Mars Petcare's chief sustainability officer, Marika McCauley Sine, provides some refle...

Field by field: scaling regenerative practices beyond pilots to wide adoption

Advancing regenerative agriculture farming has become a priority for agri-food stakeholders in an...

Brazil's soy sector amid climate transitions, and US farmer voices

This week: Niamh McCarthy, director of climate-related risk at Orbitas, shares findings from a re...

What certification can do for apparel brands and consumers

John Murphy, technical director for Europe at Hohenstein Laboratories, talks with Innovation Foru...

The future of cotton farming: scaling regenerative sourcing

Regenerative sourcing has shown significant promise for the cotton industry; helping to regenerat...

Financial risks and opportunities in the age of global climate action: a Brazilian agribusiness case study (virtual event audio recording)

On 30th April, IF hosted a virtual event in partnership with Orbitas, a Climate Advisers Initiati...

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Apparel and textiles
Plastics and packaging
Food and agriculture
Scope 3 and climate
Responsible sourcing and ethical trade
Landscapes and commodity sourcing