Webinar: What will a sustainable rural community look like in 2030?

Through an hour’s interactive discussion with Golden Agri-Resources, Sime Darby and Global Agribusiness Alliance, we’ll discuss how business can work with farmers and ...

19 September 2018 - 10:00

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Upcoming webinar - Actionable intelligence: Combining data and tools to enhance supply chain visibility

Access to data is no longer the challenge to business that it once was. Instead, supply chain managers are asking: “Now what?” The next hurdle is to integrate this dat...

30 January 2019 - 15:00

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Procurement and social risk: How to make modern slavery a business priority

Procurement departments are driven and incentivised by a range of KPIs. Unfortunately, social issues haven’t traditionally topped that list. But engaging procurement d...

13 February 2019 - 14:00

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Reducing GHGs in agriculture: How are big businesses taking action?

The agricultural sector accounts for roughly 13% of total global emissions, making it the world’s second largest emitter of GHGs after the energy sector. Emissions are...

28 February 2019 - 16:00

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Plant-based, organic options, clean eating: The consumer trends driving food innovation

Leading food companies will predict which key food trends and shifts are likely to stick over the next ten years and explain what changes they will bring about within ...

14 March 2019 - 17:00

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Are biofuels a sustainable – and scalable – solution?

This 60 minute webinar will discuss the sustainability of biofuels and who will be using them by 2025 and beyond. We’ll cover the key sustainability issues, debate the...

27 March 2019 - 14:00

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Delivering on supply chain commitments: Closing the accountability loop in 2020 and beyond

The past two years have seen rapid progress in the emergence of norms and best practices for setting and implementing commitments to eliminate deforestation, ecosystem...

25 July 2019 - 15:00

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Money talks: How financial institutions are driving sustainable landscapes and commodities

Over the past decade, sustainable and impact investing has grown from a niche form of financing to being implemented by practically every major financial institution. ...

8 August 2019 - 14:00

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How does landscape conservation/restoration work on the ground? An Indonesian case study

The focus of this discussion-based webinar is the Kampar Peninsula ‘Production: Protection’ approach. This involves a $100m dollar commitment, for an area twice the si...

28 October 2019 - 10:00

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How does landscape conservation/restoration work on the ground? An Indonesian case study

The focus of this discussion-based webinar is the Kampar Peninsula ‘Production: Protection’ approach. This involves a $100m dollar commitment, for an area twice the si...

28 October 2019 - 10:00

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Can audits work to tackle human rights violations?

A realistic look at why auditing has struggled to be an effective tool in the past and focus on what QIMA and other large businesses across various sectors are doing a...

3 December 2019 - 15:00

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Reducing climate impacts in agriculture: How are leading businesses taking action?

Agriculture, forestry and other land use continues to contribute up to 24% of global greenhouse gas emissions. As well as being a major contributor to climate change, ...

5 February 2020 - 15:00

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Implementing living wage policies: How to create meaningful change on the ground – a Patagonia case study

Over the past decade, various apparel brands have made major commitments to deliver living wages to workers in their supply chains. However, a recent report by the Uni...

11 February 2020 - 16:15

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The future of ethical trade: Compliance and beyond – what are the human rights risks that brands must address?

In recent years, we have seen calls for major changes in human rights due diligence and reporting gathering momentum. This tidal wave of governments making legislation...

13 February 2020 - 15:00

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The future of fashion: How action on climate change will transform the apparel industry

With targets looming and the ever-present reminders of the impact of climate change, 2020 is set to be a pivotal year in sustainability. Fashion, an industry with one ...

26 February 2020 - 14:00

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Farm environmental impact: How innovation can drive more progress in animal agriculture

In this complimentary webinar, an expert panel will discuss the pressing need within the food and agriculture industry to ‘do more with less,’ as farmers, ranchers and...

12 May 2020 - 17:00

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Farmer data that delivers: How to collect, collate and utilise on-farm data to ensure everyone benefits across the chain

To ensure crop yields are optimised and inputs minimised, food brands and their suppliers need clear, unambiguous data. Analysing the right numbers can enable farmers ...

29 September 2020 - 15:00

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How do you make a company forest positive?

‘Forest positive’ sounds like public relations nonsense. It’s not. It’s a serious transformation process, well underway at one of Asia’s biggest forestry companies, wi...

8 October 2020 - 12:00

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Addressing gaps in sustainability: why fashion brands need more data

As apparel brands work to implement sustainability commitments across their supply chains, access to the right data is key. Collecting and utilising this data in an ef...

13 October 2020 - 14:00

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Increasing the collection and recycling of plastic waste and beverage cartons. What are the solutions?

Collection and recycling of material plays a vital part in enabling a circular economy and is an inherently complex challenge to tackle. The problem is particularly ac...

4 December 2020 - 14:00

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Innovation Accelerator: How to build resilient smallholder supply chains and drive systemic change for rural communities

Low famer incomes, human rights abuses and environmental degradation still plague smallholder-based supply chains of soft commodities and other agricultural products. ...

16 December 2020 - 13:30

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How to incentivize companies to implement natural climate solutions in their supply chains

To reach net zero by 2050, companies must deliver on tough Scope 3 climate targets through innovation, circular systems and natural climate solutions. This webinar, de...

20 May 2021 - 14:00

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10 Years of Sustainability in Action: Toward A Forest Positive Future

How do land rights intersect with conservation? What role can satellite monitoring play in combatting deforestation? And how can we go beyond fighting deforestation to...

22 June 2021 - 14:00

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Sustainable Apparel Barometer: Insights into sustainability in viscose, transparency in cotton and opportunities in responsible sourcing

Each year the Sustainable Apparel Barometer focuses on specific aspects of apparel production. This year, we decided to look in-depth into the challenges and opportuni...

9 September 2021 - 13:00

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Upcoming webinar - How companies can build a market-driven solution to finance forest and wildlife conservation, benefit local communities and meet SDGs

This webinar will broadcast live from the forest frontline. We’ll join speakers who are an active part of The Wildlife Works Kasigau Corridor REDD+ Project in Kenya. T...

30 September 2021 - 14:00

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Upcoming Event: Climate change, human health and the role of business with WBA (20th Oct)

Our upcoming complimentary event ‘Climate change and human health: How business can empower, educate, and build community resilience’ is taking place virtually on 20th...

20 October 2021 - 14:00

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Food system transformation: How can carbon accounting accelerate action within the forest and land use sector?

Achieving the Paris Agreement targets requires a radical transformation of the world’s food and land use systems. The land sector alone can deliver at least 30% of the...

23 November 2021 - 14:00

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Regenerative agriculture in apparel: What does it mean for the future of cotton production?

The concept of regenerative agriculture is being hailed as the new paradigm in sustainable supply chains. While it is predominantly food brands that have acted fastest...

6 December 2021 - 15:00

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Live from the Congo Basin: The impact of market-driven solutions that preserve forests, tackle climate change and empower indigenous communities

At COP26, $1.5 billion was pledged to protect the Congo Basin, home to the world’s second-largest tropical rainforest and the largest carbon sink. The preservation of ...

10 December 2021 - 14:00

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Deforestation: is there too much focus on palm oil?

Announcements at COP26 have refocused attention on to the need for companies to transparently and immediately eliminate deforestation from their supply chains. However...

20 January 2022 - 14:00

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Rent, resale and beyond: The circular business models transforming the apparel landscape

The last few years have given rise to a wave of new business models in apparel, built upon the principles of circularity over fast fashion. With apps and platforms pop...

1 February 2022 - 15:00

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Calculating supply chain carbon: Is a standardised approach to soil carbon measurement possible?

Through sequestration, soil plays a pivotal role in mitigating climate change. Improved agricultural practices that promote soil sequestration can help reverse climate...

9 March 2022 - 14:00

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From commitments to action at scale: critical steps to achieve deforestation-free supply chains

In the eight years since companies and governments came together under the New York Declaration on Forests committing to end deforestation by 2020, we have instead see...

25 May 2022 - 14:00

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Insect protein as animal feed: why we need it and how to scale it

It’s clear that animal feed supply chains in their current form are unsustainable for industrial animal production systems. To keep up with increasing global demand fo...

31 May 2022 - 14:00

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Live in Stockholm: From the front line battle to stop deforestation by 2030

As part of the United Nations Environment Programme’s World Environment Day celebrations, Innovation Forum will host a panel in Stockholm featuring representatives fro...

2 June 2022 - 12:30

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Reductions and Removals: How do you integrate the two into a successful climate strategy?

As companies strive to meet their net-zero targets, they must rapidly reduce their supply chain emissions. Leading companies are beginning to go one step further to de...

28 June 2022 - 13:00

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Circular by design: How apparel brands can make informed choices

All materials have impacts. Whether it be fossil fuel inputs, land and chemical use, or human rights issues, brands are keen to show verifiable, data driven improvemen...

1 August 2022 - 14:00

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Circular by design: How apparel brands can make informed choices

All materials have impacts. Whether it be fossil fuel inputs, land and chemical use, or human rights issues, brands are keen to show verifiable, data driven improvemen...

22 September 2022 - 14:00

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Nestlé Professional presents a special edition for Out of Home: “Nescafé Plan 2030”: the Nescafé sustainability vision and ambition for this decade

As part of the global launch, we are pleased to invite you to a Special Out of Home webinar of the “Nescafé Plan 2030”: the Nescafé sustainability vision and ambition ...

5 October 2022 - 14:00

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Voices from the farm: Priorities, challenges and aspirations for sustainable transformation

Farmers are at the core of sustainable commodities production. However, too often they are not given a seat at the table.Ahead of our Sustainable Landscapes and Commod...

13 October 2022 - 14:00

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Remote-sensing innovations for net-zero and nature-positive supply chains

For companies working towards their net-zero and nature-positive commitments, the need for clear and reliable intelligence on natural capital is vital. Innovative remo...

25 October 2022 - 13:00

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Climate risk and adaptation: How to prepare farmers for the effects of climate change

In a warming world, farmers remain among the most vulnerable to the increasing environmental hazards brought on by climate change. To mitigate these impacts, business ...

7 December 2022 - 13:00

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Carbon removal, conservation and community resilience: How blue carbon can deliver at scale

As the world’s greatest carbon sink, the ocean and its coastal ecosystems are an essential part of the solution to the climate emergency. Blue carbon projects protect ...

15 December 2022 - 15:00

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Sustainable supply chains: Key trends for 2023

Supply chain sustainability is a key corporate goal. In a fast-changing environment, much business discussion has centred around the need to adapt and strive towards s...

18 January 2023 - 14:00

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State of Apparel: How can genuine collaboration deliver living wage initiatives at scale?

Despite numerous living wage commitments by apparel companies and cross-sector initiatives, the obstacles to delivering at scale remain significant. Inflation, wage ca...

20 January 2023 - 15:00

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Towards clarity and consensus: How apparel brands can measure their biodiversity impacts for a nature-positive future

The WEF has identified biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse as one of the fastest deteriorating global risks over the next decade. With close ties to biodiversity ...

23 February 2023 - 15:00

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The Carbon Debate: What reforms are necessary for voluntary carbon markets?

Recently, corporate use of voluntary carbon markets and verified emissions credits has come under intense scrutiny and debate. On one side, reporting in the Guardian a...

1 March 2023 - 14:00

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Closing the loop: The role of recycled and recyclable materials in a circular economy

We know that upcycling, recycling, and the use of recycled materials are pillars of a circular apparel industry. However, challenges to scale remain around the downgra...

23 March 2023 - 15:00

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ESG through the supply chain: Incentives that work on the ground

In order to hit targets on sustainability issues such as emissions, waste and ethical work conditions, companies must work with suppliers to implement changes on the g...

21 April 2023 - 10:00

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Nestlé Global Virtual Event: Implementing regenerative agriculture at scale

As part of Nestlé’s pledge to source up to 50% of its key ingredients regeneratively by 2030, this live virtual event will feature updates of progress to date and deep...

27 April 2023 - 14:00

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The Future of Meat Debate: what are the best options for human and planetary health?

Recently, certain media outlets have covered the alleged failure of an over-hyped alternative meat industry. Whilst some critics flag plummeting sales and lower stock ...

11 May 2023 - 15:00

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Resilient agriculture: value-chain collaboration for a climate-smart food system

In this hour-long session, we'll discuss:How agri-food leaders can build partnerships to drive agricultural system resilience through regenerative agricultureHow juris...

23 May 2023 - 13:00

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How agrifood stakeholders can support European farmers in the regenerative transition

Europe’s agriculture industry, and the farmers at its heart, are under pressure. The challenges faced by farmers are numerous. From the stresses of climate change, ris...

29 June 2023 - 14:00

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The chemical recycling debate: is there a place for chemical recycling in a net zero and circular world?

In the midst of our escalating waste crisis and the global call for sustainable solutions, chemical recycling for plastics has emerged as both a potential solution and...

7 September 2023 - 14:00

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Human rights in the forest: How REDD+ projects strengthen human rights in partnership with Indigenous Peoples and local communities

Successful REDD+ projects that protect forests and preserve biodiversity must work in partnership with Indigenous Peoples and local communities to safeguard and enhanc...

18 October 2023 - 14:00

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Regenerative food systems in Africa: scaling solutions to empower smallholder farmers

Over the coming decades, smallholder farmers throughout Africa will play a pivotal role in supporting the continent’s economic development and enabling food security. ...

28 November 2023 - 13:00

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The pathway to nature-positive business: definitions, measurements and targets

Recent initiatives such as the 2022 Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, recommendations from the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) a...

30 November 2023 - 13:00

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The EUDR Debate: what’s necessary to make it work effectively?

The EU Deforestation Regulation has been designed to prevent deforestation-linked commodities and products from entering the EU market, and in doing so catalyse a much...

18 January 2024 - 12:00

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Data-driven farming: tools and technologies for sustainable sourcing

As challenges mount within the food and beverage sector, the need for enhanced visibility at the field level has never been more crucial. Companies are grappling with ...

8 February 2024 - 15:00

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Beneath the surface: exploring best practices for soil regeneration and carbon farming

At the root of some of the most urgent challenges facing agriculture today is the global threat to soil health. Challenges such as soil erosion, compaction, salinizati...

5 March 2024 - 13:00

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Nestlé Global Virtual Event: A 2023 Climate Progress Update

Nestlé has pledged to reduce absolute emissions by 20% by 2025, and by 50% by 2030. This live virtual event will feature updates of its progress in 2023, with case stu...

12 March 2024 - 14:00

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Securing sustainable crop nutrition: the role of fertilizers in regenerative agriculture

Regenerative agriculture is an evolving, science-based and outcome-focused approach to farming, and has a significant role to play in safeguarding food security and su...

25 April 2024 - 13:00

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Financial risks and opportunities in the age of global climate action: a Brazilian agribusiness case study

In this special event held in partnership with Orbitas, we’ll bring together international stakeholders to discuss the financial risks and emerging opportunities that ...

30 April 2024 - 14:00

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INC-4 debrief: What’s next for the Global Plastics Treaty?

The 4th round of negotiations to establish a Global Plastics Treaty is taking place in Ottawa from 23rd-29th April 2024. If you can’t make it to Canada, join us for a ...

1 May 2024 - 15:00

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How can technology and data help us build more sustainable agricultural supply chains?

Food and agriculture industries are facing more pressing and interconnected challenges in their ability to feed the world. Advances in data and technology are one tool...

21 May 2024 - 14:00

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Biological solutions for sustainable agriculture: how agri-food stakeholders can efficiently scale, accelerate and unlock innovation

In recent years, the agricultural industry has witnessed a significant shift towards sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Within this context, biologics...

4 June 2024 - 13:00

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The future of cotton farming: scaling regenerative sourcing

Regenerative sourcing has shown significant promise for the cotton industry; helping to regenerate soils, support ecosystems, and improve farmer livelihoods all whilst...

6 June 2024 - 13:00

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Field by field: scaling regenerative practices beyond pilots to wide adoption

Advancing regenerative agriculture farming has become a priority for agri-food stakeholders in an effort to mitigate some of the most pressing challenges threatening t...

11 June 2024 - 14:00

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ofi’s sustainability strategy launch: making ‘Choices for Change’ in the global food system

Increasing regulatory requirements are tasking food and beverage companies with more robust corporate reporting. Strengthening commitments to enhance the resilience of...

18 June 2024 - 13:00

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Beneath the surface: how data and technology can drive carbon farming and resilience at farm-level

Data is key to shaping decisions that increase food production, farm incomes, and climate resilience. For farmers, the right data is an essential foundation for effici...

20 June 2024 - 14:00

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