Voluntary to mandatory: The opportunities from transparency and disclosure

12:05 - 12:35
The shift in reporting requirements on climate and nature, and the introduction of due diligence approaches, is potentially game-changing in developing a proper level playing field that allows for regenerative agriculture innovation. But how can companies unlock the benefits? 

  • Data: what are the data points to collect and verify? What tools are there to help?
  • How are target setting, data collection, reporting and systemic improvements linked? A practical guide.
  • Rewarding the brave: what are the safeguards necessary to ensure the necessary progress isn’t stifled through concerns about transparency risks?  

Melaina Macone

Mondelēz International

Director Sustainability & Mindful Snacking

Mary Goldman


Director of Nature Risk Analytics

Get in touch

For any questions on the conference, please contact:
Emily Heslop
Project Director
[email protected]


For more information and to inquire, please contact:
Anita Thomson
Chief Partnerships Officer
[email protected] 

Join Us For 

  • In-depth guidance from industry leaders on how to effectively implement policies.
  • Networking with key stakeholders, including NGOs, business, government and supply chain actors.
  • An entirely off-the-record discussion that encourages open and honest disclosure from speakers and genuine participation from the audience.

Sign up 

Registration for the regenerative agriculture and sustainable food conference is currently open. To sign up, you can do so online here, or get in touch directly for details of group discounts. 

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